Instilling Routine Responsibilities In Young Kids

I have 4 young children and sometimes getting out the door can be hectic. One thing I have found that helps is to instill a SIMPLE routine that with a little practice, they can do on their own with little prompting.

My kids love to be able to check-off each item as they do it, and sometimes they even race to see who can get done first!

I added each kid’s name to the top of these, printed them on cardstock and laminated them. They can use a dry erase marker to check each item off, and the next day they can erase it all and use it again!

Do you want your own FREE copy of this? Enter your name and email below! You can print it at home or send it to a local printer or library! If you don’t have a laminator available to you and don’t want to pay to have it professionally laminated, try using a sheet protector instead!

Want a personalized routine or chore chart that has your kid’s name, different color options, or specific chores? Send an email to and I would be happy to help make a custom option just for you!


Quiet Time with the Lord


Prayer Journaling